Atharva Wagare
Engineering Undergraduate
I love exploring new concepts and I am enthusiast in learning computer related stuff In my free time you will find me either learning new stuff or cycling
QuizUp - Quiz Application
A online quiz application is built with frontend technologies HTML, CSS along with MySQL to store data. The quiz is fetching questions from OpenTrivia DB with the help of API.
Technology Used: Frontend (HTML5, CSS3, Javascript), MySQL, PHP
Bachelor’s in Computer Technology
Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering, Nagpur
Currently in 3rd Year of Degree Program -
HSC - 83.08%
Vidarbha Buniyadi Junior College, Nagpur
2017-19 -
SSC - 94%
Keshav Nagar Madhyamik Vidyalaya, Nagpur
- Programming - Python, C, C++
- Storage - MySQL
- Frontend - HTML5, CSS3, Javascript
- Environment - Windows
Theory of Computation (NPTEL) - Certificate
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
8 weeks course on Theory of Computation introducing various models of computation and their power and limitations. -
Introduction to GIS Mapping (Coursera) - Certificate
University of Toronto
Hackfest - 2021 - Certificate
ATME College of Engineering, Mysuru
NVIDIA DLI Ambessador Workshop Series
- Fundamentals of Deep Learning - 07 January 2022 - Certificate
- Building Transformer based Natural Language Processing Applications - 08 January 2022 - Certificate
- Building Conversational AI Applications - 09 January 2022 - Certificate
- Fundamentals of Accelerated Data Science - 26 February 2022
Contact Me: Portfolio | GitHub | LinkedIn | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter